There is still time to make a difference with your donation.

Sunday is December 31st, the last day to donate in 2023. Your mailed check will need to be postmarked by this date to count as a 2023 gift or your credit card processed by the 31st.

MAILING ADDRESS: Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe, P.O. Box 22661, Santa Fe, NM 87502-2661

Did you know? You and your fellow LVSF tutors and the Board of Directors contributed more than 9,182 volunteer hours during the past fiscal year. Our tutoring programs reached 259 students, and 67 new tutors were trained. We added about 15 workplace tutoring locations where employers provide time and space for employees to work with an ESL tutor onsite during the workday. We have also recently added digital literacy classes to help students increase their computer skills.

Otón’s success story began when he enrolled in SFCC’s ESL classes in 2006. He began working with a tutor in the LVSF ESL program in 2012. Over the past decade, he has improved his English skills steadily, becoming an advanced speaker. Otón says that LVSF helped him meet new friends, learn about the culture and community, and improve his English skills.  “I am honored to belong to the Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe program. This program has given me so much, and I now try to give my work to the community as well.”

This story is just one of many success stories — students who get better jobs, students who can help their children with their homework, students who become citizens, students who open their own businesses: students who make our community a better place. It is only when people can function and succeed in the community that they can then give back, as Otón does, and pay forward the support that they themselves received.

Your gift will help students like Otón spread the benefits they receive to the whole community. The financial participation of volunteers is also an important metric in many of our grant applications. You may make a one-time or recurring gift by using the “DONATE” button at Your support will keep our free tutoring programs available to all members of our community. Thank you for your support.