
Some brainstorming took place this past weekend (August 13, 2023) in how to grow the mission of literacy. Topics presented and ideas shared were inspiring. The next meeting will happen again soon. We would love for you to attend!

Be a part of making decisions

Ideas for events, fundraising, and logistics for 2022-2023 were shared. The group identified fun positions for people who want to be part of the decision making!

The ‘to-do’s’

Kristen, your board president, will make sure you get on the right team. She is needing people who want to be on the board for:

  • take photos at events to share with the community
  • be a historian, record achievements, document milestones, internal affairs
  • help run an event
  • connect with other literacy organizations to work together, external affairs
brainstorming ideas for literacy


Help us fill the wish lists of LVSF and the students. Experience the joy and support you will receive from leadership and the other volunteers.

Here is how. Give Kristen an email [email protected].