FREE Wi-Fi Spots in Santa Fe

FREE Wi-Fi Spots in Santa Fe

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Free Wi-Fi Spots Increasingly Available In Every Corner Of Santa Fe Increased Internet Access Across The City At Public Facilities Is Bridging The Digital Divide Santa Fe, July 2, 2020— The COVID pandemic and the resulting economic crunch have...
Announcing online tutoring

Announcing online tutoring

LVSF Coordinators and staff are supporting tutors in their transition to online tutoring. Those students who are able have continued to engage in their tutoring through various online platforms with their tutors. Tutors and students also connect and continue to work...
Year End Summary

Year End Summary

Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe (LVSF) is so grateful to you and all our volunteer tutors for your support of our programs. This past year, your participation contributed to 203 volunteer tutors helping 374 students achieve their goals. We hope that you will consider...