Constitution and Citizenship Day is coming up on September 17th, commemorating the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia. The Library of Congress and the National Archives have an abundance of resources for learning and teaching about the Constitution and what it means to be a US citizen.

Did you know?

  • In 2022, the US welcomed 967,500 new citizens, the highest since 2018
  • 81,684 immigrants in New Mexico (41%) became citizens as of 2018
  • In 2018, 214,918 people in New Mexico (11%) were native-born Americans with at least one immigrant parent
  • One in eight people in the New Mexico workforce is an immigrant
  • Two-thirds (67%) of immigrants reported speaking English “well” or “very well” (ref.)
  • LVSF partners with Somos Un Pueblo Unido to offer Citizenship classes led by volunteer tutors
  • We also work with and refer to and from Santa Fe Dreamers, Catholic Charities, and the New Mexico Immigrant and Law Center to ensure students’ application materials are correct and complete
  • Citizenship tutors go through our ESL training and then a 3-hour Citizenship Workshop
  • SFCC and LVSF have hosted numerous USCIS Naturalization Ceremonies and hopes to host another in the Fall, as well as reestablish USCIS Naturalization Information Sessions for the community
  • The next Santa Fe ceremony is on September 14th, 2023 at the Santa Fe Convention Center downtown

———————  Coming Up  ———————

There is nothing quite like the proud smile of a new citizen, and if you help someone reach that accomplishment, there is nothing quite like the uplift you feel.

Are you a citizenship tutor, an ESL tutor interested in helping Santa Fe residents become US citizens, or a citizen interested in learning more about the naturalization process? 

Joining us for a Citizenship Circle

August 30th, 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm At Santa Fe Community College (room TBA)

This session follows up on a visit from the new Field Office Director for New Mexico, Jwana L. Adebiyi, and Jesse Mendez, the USCIS Deputy Director. It is an opportunity to learn about the citizenship process and share experiences and best practices. Our volunteer Citizenship Coordinator, Chris Howson, will be there to discuss current directions in the USCIS Program and to answer any questions you might have.

Please join us in this opportunity to reconnect and strengthen professional ties across our vibrant and growing community of citizenship tutors.